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  2. community
  1. It's Me on the Dance Floor (ke thu remix)

  2. 熊猫加速器破解版下载

    A Million And One

  3. 能猫加速器

    Champagne EP

  4. 能猫加速器

    I Had Grown Wild

  5. This Is My Hand

  6. None More Than You

  7. All Things Will Unwind

  8. 熊猫加速器怎么收费

    Be Brave

  9. A Thousand Shark's Teeth

  10. Bring Me The Workhorse



My Brightest Diamond Detroit, Michigan

Musical firebrand Shara Nova (formerly Worden) has continued to weave her own way through pop, experimental and classical worlds, this time landing squarely on the dance floor with A Million And One. Nova has marshaled the influences of a youth spent listening to Detroit radio into a visceral love letter to the city, an electronic pop record both vulnerable and full of a fierce fighter's spirit. ... more


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